Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ma vie vit

So far, in college, I have:

Celebrated my two year anniversary with Martin
Done poorly on a test I thought I would ace
Aced a test I thought I would fail
Had the worst hangover I've ever experienced
Felt on top of the world
Bought my own groceries
Tripped the circuit breaker on my hall
Made friends
Lost friends
Bought a broken microscope and fixed it
Woke up and asked myself, "What the hell just happened?"

It seems like a success so far. I am really happy.

Also, I used my microscope to see real live sperm. Nothing has made me feel more human. It was such a tangible representation of the wonders of our life. I took a poor-quality video of what I saw with my iphone so that I can remember what it was like.

I hope that things keep working out.